Are You?

Are You?

Have you ever noticed how you don’t have to teach a child to take things? Taking another kid’s toy comes naturally to them. We are all born selfish and want more for ourselves than others have. 

From childhood to our last days on earth, we will all struggle to be generous. Chances are, it’s a battle you fight every day. 

While waging the battle for generosity, here are six truths you should know.

  1. Everyone wants to be generous. 

No one wants to be known as a selfish and stingy person. 

2. Most people think they are generous.

Remember that one time you gave in 2007, you’re generous, right?

3. Most people who think they are generous aren’t.

If you were to audit your life, would it come back with a balance of generosity?

4. No one becomes generous by accident.

You don’t wake up one day and presto-chango, you’re a generous person. You must plan for it and do it.

5. We serve a generous God.

No one is more generous than God. You would do well to follow his example.

6. God wants all his people to be generous.

The Bible is full of commands for his people to live lives of generosity. There are zero commands for his people to be selfish.

Did any of these truths ring true for you? I know they did for me. It’s time to make a change. 

If you’re wondering how to live a life of generosity that’s pleasing to God, here are three steps you can take today.

God’s people are generous with their time.

The funny thing about time is you can only use it once. You have one life to live, and God wants you to use your time for His glory. Not for selfish gain.

Ephesians 5:15-16 says, “Look carefully then how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”

God’s people are generous with their talent.

God made you a gifted and talented person. Not many things are as bad as wasted talent. Don’t waste yours. God wants you to use your talent generously and for his glory.

The Bible says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10-11)

God’s people are generous with their treasure.

You will spend most of your time trying to make money. It will consume a lot of your time and talent. But what you plan to do with that treasure matters to God.

The Bible says, “Generous people plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity.” (Isaiah 32:8)

It won’t happen by accident. You must plan to be generous. In fact, you’re supposed to excel at it.

The Bible says, “Since you excel in so many ways… I want you to excel also in this gracious act of giving.” (2 Corinthians 8:7)

So, are you?

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