Four Life Tests and How to Pass Them

Four Life Tests and How to Pass Them

Part 1

I’m not sure if they still do this because I don’t watch too much TV, but back in the day, when you had to get up to change the channel with a pair of pliers, broadcasters would interrupt your favorite cartoon with an emergency test. One minute you’d be watching Bugs Bunny and then all of a sudden, “Beeeeeeeeeep! Beeeeeeeep! This is a test of the emergency broadcasting network. Beeeeeeeep!” It was loud, annoying and it came from out of nowhere.

That’s a lot like the tests we face in life. They are unexpected, often loud, and annoying. If you’re breathing and reading this, you’re probably facing a test right now. 

 Jesus told us tests would be part of life when he said, “In this world you will have trouble.” (Matthew 16:33)

The good news is that God uses these life tests to make us more like Jesus. They are tests of our character and our faith. Passing them is essential. They “produce perseverance” in your life, and you need that. (James 1:3) 

Today we will begin looking at four life tests you will face and how to pass them.

The dreaded stress test.

If you don’t know what stress is, you’re lying. Although I will admit that we all face it and handle it to varying degrees, we’ve all taken the test.

For many, the stress of life is the perfect opportunity to unleash the beast. You know what it’s like; the pressure gets to be too much, and you just explode into an outburst of rage or you melt down with a box of Kleenex. 

The biggest mistake we make in dealing with stress comes when we try to find our own way to deal with it. 

So how do you pass the stress test?

You can pass the stress test by trusting in God.

Now hold on a minute before you tune me out like that emergency broadcasting test. That’s not just a “pastor answer.” It’s God’s answer!

He said, “I want you to trust me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you, and you can give me glory.” (Psalm 50:15)

I’m going to take a shot in the dark here and guess why you’re so stressed all the time; you are trying to control the issue and outcome.

Whenever you try to control the issues and the outcomes of your life, you’re playing God. And you are not him.

When Jesus said, “in this world you will have trouble.” He immediately followed it up with “but take heart! I have overcome the world.” (Matthew 16:33)

Now here’s a test within the stress test. Who overcame the world? Was it you, or was it, Jesus? Think hard.

If you answered Jesus, you get an A on the test. Congratulations! If you answered yourself, please retake the test. You NEED to pass this to advance. 

Your faith must be rooted in Jesus during your stress test. “We are more than conquerors through him.” (Romans 8:37) Not through our power.

You can pass the stress test by giving God the glory. 

When you face the stresses of life, God is building your character. 

That’s why we are to “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (James 1:2-3)

The reason we consider it “pure joy” is not because you love stress. It’s because you know God has it under control.

When you start giving God the glory he deserves, it’s a stress relief. It takes the focus off of our problem and puts it where it belongs- on Jesus. 

I’m going to take another shot in the dark and guess that you probably spend more time thinking about your stressful situation than you do giving God glory. Am I right?

What would happen if you reversed that in your life? The answer, you would be less stressed. 

Don’t you think it’s time you stopped letting stress run your life? Instead, it’s time to let God take control.

Give him your problem and trust in his outcome. And while you’re doing that, give him the glory. 

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