How to Let Go of Jealousy

How to Let Go of Jealousy

Have you ever been out to dinner and ordered something from the menu only to regret it when you saw your friend’s plate? The whole dinner your food doesn’t seem to taste as good because you wish you ordered their food. 

Do you know what that’s called? It’s called jealousy and it’s plagued us all. 

Social media doesn’t make it any easier, does it? Think about that last post you stopped your scroll for. Chances are at least one of those made you jealous. 

You might have even said to yourself – how can they afford that vacation, I wish I had their life, why don’t I have a significant other like that or, why didn’t they invite me? And the list goes on.

If we’re not careful jealousy can ruin our lives, our relationships, and even our health.

According to Shakespeare, we should all beware…

“Of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”  (Othello)

Thousands of years before he brought the green-eyed monster to life Proverbs 14:30 teaches us the dangers of jealousy:

“A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.”

None of this sounds fun, does it? The question is how do you let it go? 

Maybe you’re reading this right now and this is a very serious problem for you. Jealousy has really taken over your life and you don’t even know where to begin to get rid of it. 

Here are three steps on how to let go of jealousy:

1. Remember what love does.

1 Corinthians 13:4,7 teaches us what love always does.

Love is not jealous… It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Jealousy and love do not go together and they never will. In fact, they’re not even on the same planet. Do you know what does go with love? Trust!

Trusting is an unselfish action and jealousy is a selfish one. You can’t control what other people do. It’s impossible. But you can control what you do. Do what love does.

2. Ask yourself why.

Jealousy is often frequented by selfishness. If you were to ask yourself why you’re struggling with envy chances are it’s because you’re only focusing on your own wants and desires. This is a terrible place to be.

Philippians 2:3-4 helps teach us to deal with this.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Asking why helps eliminate the ‘me monster’, the green-eyed one. 

3. Celebrate when others win.

It’s hard to complain about someone when you’re celebrating with them. 

Romans 12:15 makes it clear that this should be a life choice:

Rejoice with those who rejoice…

Did you catch that? It says rejoice not to be jealous. 

How about instead of letting jealousy ruin your life and your relationships you started celebrating their wins. Be excited about their success and tell them so. Cheer them on, praise their success and be on their team. 

Do it and they’ll love you for it and then when you have a win they’ll do the same for you. Win, win!

Look up these verses to build your faith:

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5 Replies to “How to Let Go of Jealousy”

  1. Oh my goodness jealousy was apparent so early in the scripture s as Cain was jealous of his brother to the point of killing him. So we know that is the root of so much conflict in our daily lives. Try to be content and thankful for what you have and how others have been blessed. Love your neighbors!

  2. Great words of wisdom. I certainly do not want to become “an enemy of God” as James 4:4 states. Yikes.

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