Five Bes of Family Unity – Part 2
Last week, we discussed the first two steps of the Five Bes of Family Unity: Be unified with Jesus and Be unified in the bedroom. But we can’t have five unless…
Last week, we discussed the first two steps of the Five Bes of Family Unity: Be unified with Jesus and Be unified in the bedroom. But we can’t have five unless…
I just returned from a mission trip to the village of La Pila in Guatemala. If you’ve ever heard the saying “dirt poor,” it’s most likely referring to this village.…
When I was about six, I tried stealing fishing weights from the sporting goods store. I had a pocket full of them until my dad stopped me dead in my…
I hate it when a server takes forever to refill my drink. Don’t they know I’m dying of thirst when eating cheese fries, onion rings, and a bacon cheeseburger? It’s…
The other day I officiated a wedding on the top of a mountain. I had to hike two miles to meet the bride and groom. That might not sound like…
From the beginning of time, man has struggled with giving God his best. Too often, we settle for giving God our someand keeping the best for ourselves. We see this all…