How to Walk with God
Just about every week my wife and I take a walk. We walk on our property, in the park, and sometimes in Costco while buying groceries. And do you know…
Encouraging The World
Just about every week my wife and I take a walk. We walk on our property, in the park, and sometimes in Costco while buying groceries. And do you know…
From the beginning of time, man has struggled with giving God his best. Too often, we settle for giving God our someand keeping the best for ourselves. We see this all…
What do you call a place full of messed-up people? Answer: a church! I have heard many reasons why people don’t go to church. People have told me that other…
The short answer to the question: where do babies come from is God. He is the creator of all things. That’s why the Psalmist states, “You made all the delicate, inner…
Has anyone ever given you a command or instructed you to do something? The answer to that is undoubtedly, yes. You cannot go through life without receiving some sort of…
I was officiating a celebration of life service for an organization that serves grieving families. After the service a woman who attended the event walked up to the director to…