Would You Rather be Like Jesus?
You’ve probably heard the term “Good Samaritan” before. Maybe in the news or conversations with friends. People who do something selfless or heroic are often labeled “The Good Samaritan,” although…
You’ve probably heard the term “Good Samaritan” before. Maybe in the news or conversations with friends. People who do something selfless or heroic are often labeled “The Good Samaritan,” although…
Well, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, isn’t it? It’s that time we look back to see how we did last year. Reminding ourselves how wise or how…
Have you ever received a gift you were sure was a re-gift? I know I have. Or better yet, have you ever been guilty of the infamous re-gift? I’m guessing,…
Being the first one off the elevator, my mother-in-law didn’t see the cord from the vacuum stretching across the hotel floor. As she stepped out she tripped in front of…
As a pastor, I’ve been asked to bless everything from babies, businesses and sometimes even the dog Buddy. People get very excited to have the pastor bless something of value…
When I was about six years old I tried stealing fishing weights from the sporting goods store. I had a pocket full of them until my dad stopped me dead…