Starting Small

Several years ago, my wife and I visited a resort for a wedding. It was one of the nicest places we had ever stayed, and to our surprise, we were assigned a personal attendant named Javier. From the moment we arrived, Javier made sure we had everything we needed. He greeted us with a big smile, asked if we needed anything, and seemed genuinely happy to serve.

His positive attitude and friendly demeanor inspired me so much that I wanted to get to know him better. So, I asked him how long he had been working at the resort. He said, “I’ve been working here for two years. I started serving free popsicles to guests. Now, I’m a private check-in concierge. I love working here.”

I was stunned. Most people wouldn’t consider handing out free popsicles a big deal, but you could tell from his tone and demeanor that Javier was proud of his role. He took his job seriously, gave his best effort, and now had a position with even more responsibility. I have no doubt that he will continue to grow and go far in the company.

That conversation reminded me of a verse in the Bible:

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah 4:10

Far too often in life, we want to get to the top without ever having started at the bottom. We think, go big or go home! We want instant success without the effort. We want to lead before we’ve learned how to follow.

But the Bible teaches the opposite. Small beginnings matter. They are a crucial part of the journey. We shouldn’t rush through them or see them as insignificant because they prepare us for greater opportunities.

Maybe you’re reading this today, and you feel like life is passing you by. You’re in a hurry to make it—to get that promotion, grow your business, or step into your dream role. If that’s you, take a step back. Slow down. Don’t despise where you are right now. There are valuable lessons in these moments that you will need later.

Take a lesson from Javier. If he hadn’t decided to be the best popsicle stand attendant he could be, he would have never become a private concierge. His faithfulness in something small opened the door for something greater.

The same is true for you. No matter where you are, embrace the opportunity in front of you. Be excellent with what you have today, and trust that God is preparing you for more.

Jesus said, “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones.” – Luke 16:10

Three Challenge Questions to Consider:

  1. How can you be more faithful in the “small things” in your life right now?
  2. Are you waiting for a “big” opportunity while neglecting the one right in front of you?
  3. What steps can you take today to grow where you are planted instead of rushing ahead?

Remember, the road to something great always starts with small, consistent steps. Embrace where you are, give your best, and trust that God will lead you forward in His perfect timing.

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